I help people build confidence, courage and community.

As a small business owner, non-profit founder, former Mrs. North Dakota International 2020 and author, I’ve been ambushed by imposter syndrome, insecurity and isolation in different seasons of my life. After smashing into walls, getting back up and failing again, I’ve discovered the keys to overcoming these roadblocks: building confidence, growing in courage and creating authentic community.

I’ve had to deconstruct the false sense of self that held me back to rediscover who I am. If you’re here, you might be searching to reclaim your voice, restore your personal or professional identity and reestablish your place in the world.

It’s time to show the world who you really are!

Empowering You.

“As someone whose had to fight to build confidence, train my mind to stop self-sabotaging and build mental fortitude, I know what it takes to become bold, despite paralyzing fear of failure, fear of being exposed as a fraud or fear of the unknown. I’ve mentored hundreds of women and know when women discover who they truly are, they are unstoppable.”

- Melanie Iverson, Founder of Empower Consulting

  • Over 75% of executive women polled, state they personally and repeatedly experience imposter syndrome. (KPMG)

  • 81% of women believe they put more pressure on themselves not to fail than men do. (KPMG)

  • Men overestimate their abilities and their performance, while women underestimate both. Not all men ooze self-confidence, and not all women lack it, dismantling internal hurdles is where the battle lies. (Forbes)

It’s not all bad news. Success correlates just as closely with confidence as it does competence - if you are teachable and coachable, you can become bold and courageous within our community.

This is why I founded Empower Consulting. It’s time to get out of your own way, grow in confidence and embrace your passion and purpose!

You are stronger than you think. It’s time to act like it!